Sunday School

Sunday School for children begins at age three and goes until the completion of 6th grade.  We meet Sundays from 9 until 9:50 a.m.  For the last few years we have used a curriculum by David Cook – a Bible-based curriculum with its roots in the Anglican tradition.  Children learn Old Testament lessons in the fall and move into the New Testament during the winter and spring months (see below for curriculum emphasis) There are fun activities, Bible memory verses as well as take-home fliers. Children are always welcome to join a Sunday School class anytime during the year.

Curriculum Emphasis

St. James Children’s Sunday School is a ministry which supports the goal of helping parents to see that their children are “taught diligently” to love the Lord (Deuteronomy 6).

Taking an approach which balances the desire for kids to have fun and fellowship with each other with their need to learn the gospel, we use a curriculum titled “The Anglican Edition – Teaching a Biblical Anglicanism with a Great Commission Emphasis.” Our Sunday School teachers serve to support the godly rearing of children by their parents by helping children connect, study, interact with and apply God’s Word.

Lessons recognize:

  • That Scripture makes it clear that God is relational (1 John 3:1, 4:9-10) and our goal is to help students see this part of God’s nature through interaction with classmates
  • God teaches us through His written Word how to live and relate with Him and one another (Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16); in each class we dive into a portion of God’s Word and then review it together
  • God asks us to internalize His Word so we can grow in relationship with Him (Psalm 1:2, 119:97); class leaders coach the children to a deeper understanding of the Bible passages and study and explore the Bible stories at their levels so they can apply them to their lives
  • The Bible makes it clear that our faith is also what we do – how we live out what we say we believe; our teachers work to help our kids carry the lesson into the rest of their week and live out their faith in real life so they can be doers of the Word, not just hearers (Luke 11:28; James 1:22-25)


Please see Children’s Ministry Page for Children’s Sunday School Information.