Stephen Ministry

stephenministrysolidblueMembers of the Stephen Ministry at St. James continue to move among those in our congregation who are facing a life crisis. Going quietly about their work, Stephen Ministers are committed to providing a Christian presence to those in grief or pain. They are not counselors nor therapists. Rather, Stephen Ministers are lay people ready to offer prayer, to listen actively and remain by the side of one in distress, not just at the onset of the crisis, but for the long haul.

While Stephen Ministers can offer support when a crisis occurs, more often their role is to bear witness as God goes about the process of healing. Because this process can take time, a Stephen Minister may work one-on-one with a care receiver for many weeks or months. This work is carried out quietly and in strict confidence, without fanfare or acknowledgement. And while Stephen Ministers meet together regularly for guidance, the names of those involved are never used to insure confidentiality. The work of the Stephen Minister is also gender specific with women caring for women and men caring for men.

You don’t have to become a Stephen Minister to be a part of the Stephen Ministry. You need only offer your prayers for someone in grief or pain and you become one of us. . . you need only to listen to someone in need. Remember, we are sisters and brother and you need only know that God is the Great Caregiver and we share a common belief.